Monday, July 14, 2008

Watch out, the Polija are coming!

Hello Everyone. Bad news my camera is gone. It was either stolen or I left it somewhere, but either way, it's gone. I headed a mad search for it when we got back into Warsaw from Krakow, but to no avail. So, needless to say, I will not be posting photos right away. I started a flickr accout with rest of the people from the Warsaw trip, so I will have access to all of the photos, but until everyone loads them, I don't have any :(. Anyway, this weekend we went to Krakow, which was really cool. Krakow is south of Warsaw. We took a two hour train ride from Warsaw on Friday. In Krakow, we stayed in a hostel near Old Town. We were very excited because our room had a hook for the shower (We later found out that it wasn't exactly effective, but at first we were excited). Old Town was really cute, more like what I imagined Poland to look like before I came. There were many churches and synagogues that dated back to way before the war. We toured the city on Sunday including the castle, Wawel, and the Jewish District, Kazimierz. On Saturday we took a tour of the Salt Mines of Krakow, which were very cool (both figuratively and literally). Krakow was really hot and we spent most of the day underground. There were interesting sculptured scenes of the history of Poland, as well as the history of the Salt Mine itself (and they were all edible- we licked the walls). In addition to all of the touring we had a great time at night! The majority of the kids on the trip went out to a pub and then to a club to dance. By the end of the night everyone was a hot sweaty mess, but we had a great time.

**there will be pictures soon- i promise**


karen said...

Sorry about your camera but maybe it will show up. Even without pictures your written description is so interesting. What a wonderful experience you're having!! The salt mines sound so unique and the whole weekend sounded like such fun. Are you picking up any Polish? At least a few phrases?
Took Barry to see "Sex and the City" and he said it was the ultimate chic flic and not to tell anyone he went. I loved watching all the clothes but it was a little long. We're having gorgeous sunny days with a cool breeze. I'm so happy to not be working and just ready to bike down to Northville for some breakfast. I can't wait to check the blog the first thing in the morning. Keep writing. Love, Karen

karen said...

PS - Barry already told Emily, Katy, Suz, and Carletti that he went to see "Sex and the City" so I'm not really divulging anything. Didn't want you to think I tell things when people say not to.

suzanne said...

Glad you're back blogging..I missed the messages. Licking Salt Mines and Hot Sweaty Dancing in a Polish nightclub...what a way to spend your summer vacation! Miss you....Love, Suz

James said...

sucks about the camera, but krakow sounds awesome!