Tuesday, July 8, 2008

the tour continues...

On Sunday we had another whirlwind experience with George, the tour guide. The day began around nine when we got breakfast. We then proceeded to make a 2.5 hour trip to Kazimierz, which is a small touristy village outside of Warsaw (way outside). George narrated the entire trip until we stopped at a park to look at some of the architechture there. While, George's enthusiasm was great, we all grew impatient after several hours without a restroom. When we finally made it to Kazimierz, there was (thankfully) a restroom as well as a great castle that we climbed, complete with a watchtower. It was built in the 13oo's and much of it is still there. After climbing the tower, we were all tired and hungry so we had to talk George in to taking a lunch break. We were convinced he didn't eat. We then split up and explored the village in small groups. On the way home to Warsaw we were able to stop at the small remaining Jewish cemetery, as well as a Russian Military cemetery. We finally made it home after getting caught in rush hour around 8 or 9, we all passed out immediately.

P.S. Thanks for the comments- I love them!

** The photos are as follows: The Jewish cemetery/Everyone in the group and the busGeorge, the tour guide/The city square in Kazimierz/Stephanie and Niki next to a life size version of the rooster shaped bread they sell in the village/Lee, Jeanette, and Nicole in the castle/Lee and Stephanie at the top of the tower


Unknown said...

It's so fun to read what you are up to and see some photos - it all sounds fabulous. Glad you made it there safely and look forward to hearing more about what you are doing! xox Emily

dad said...

loveyournarration. send some more pictures